Can I send you some feedback?
Please contact me with missing videos, thoughts or ideas using this form (LINK)
Is this website affiliated with the Yogscast?
This is a fanmade page and is not created, associated or endorsed by the Yogscast.
Why are some Yogscast affiliated creators not included on this website?
Only current Yogscast members are included in Yogsearch.
Unfortunately this means that some frequent guests of the Yogscast are not searchable though they may still appear in search results for videos made together with other Yogscast creators.
Why is a certain video missing from the search results?
There may be several reasons for this.
A video may not yet have been added to Yogsearch, in which case, please feel free to report it to me.
If a video is published on a channel not affiliated with the Yogscast, it is unlikely that it will be included.
Videos that feature former members of the Yogscast will not be available on Yogsearch.
Will you add Twitch vods?
Currently there are no plans to add twitch vods to Yogsearch.
Can I request a feature to be added?
Absolutely! Please contact me with your thoughts and ideas. I can't promise to implement them, but I'd love to add more beneficial features to the page.
I could make this website much better than you!
While not technically a question, I am sure you could and I hope you will!
The source code is free and available on my Github.
If you do make a better page, please let me know. I'd love to use it!